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Jamaicans for Justice’s (JFJ’s) library and documentation centre provides books, reports, newspaper clippings and other documents on human rights and legal issues which may be referred to by the general public. Internet access and/or computer usage is available at a nominal fee as well as scanning, printing and copying services.


The Corrections Act, 1985 2.63 MB 446 downloads

An Act defining the operatives of adult correctional centres....

The Constabulary Force Act, 1935 3.13 MB 464 downloads

An Act governing the policies and practices of the Jamaica Constabulary Force....

The Children (Guardianship and Custody) (Amendment) Act, 2017 725.86 KB 188 downloads

An Act to Amend the Children ( Guardianship and Custody) Act....

The Judicature (Family Court) Act, 1996 26.71 KB 394 downloads

An Act that applies to the Family Courts in St. James, Hanover and Westmoreland Region....

The Coroners Act, 1900 3.31 MB 236 downloads

An act to amend the Coroners Law so as to make provision for the payment of a subsistence...

The Children (Guardianship and Custody) Act,1957 643.20 KB 356 downloads

An Act that guides the custody of children....

The Children ( Adoption of) Act, 1958 2.15 MB 204 downloads

An Act that guides Adoration process....

The Child Pornography ( Prevention) Act, 2009 347.81 KB 66 downloads

An Act that prohibits the sexual exploitation and sexualization of children....

The Child Care and Protection Act, 2004 2.84 MB 352 downloads

An Act for the purpose of protecting and enforcing the rights of children....

The Offences Against the Person ( Amendment) Act, 2010 52.53 KB 190 downloads

An Act to  Amend the Offences Against the Person Act....

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