What is the HRIF?
The Human Rights Indicator Framework is an online tool to help track how well the Jamaican Government is putting their human rights duties into practice.
To start we are publishing structural, process and outcome indicators for 3 issue areas related to the right to life, education, and non-discrimination.
As Jamaica embarks on a path of deeper change and national transformation through Vision 2030 Jamaica’s National Development Plan, it is important that our human rights record is completely transparent, and we know where improvements are necessary.
With that in mind, JFJ used the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHCR) Indicators Framework as a conceptual starting point, to review the progress on human rights by looking at ‘structure’, ‘process’ and ‘outcomes. Simply, the ‘structure relates to the law, the ‘process’ to government policies and their implementation and the ‘outcome’ to people’s experiences.
In developing and agreeing on the measurement framework for each right or issue area covered a multi-stage process was used; this involved consulting the literature, developing provisional measurement framework based on good international practices and then road testing and revising the provisional framework with the Advisory Group. The development and agreement of the measurement framework and the associated indicators has been an iterative process.